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  • Writer's pictureNick Best

Canaries of the Soulmine

We’re in the best of times, we’re in the worst of times. In a world full of advancements, where most of our greatest threats lay dormant at our feet, how can it be that there is such anguish in the human condition? Rising rates of mental health and incidents of suicide and drug addiction are ringing the alarms but no one can find the fire.

This disease is crippling our society and an antibiotic is not going to save us. This is a virus, spreading quickly, only to be stopped by understanding and preventing it through community efforts, personal care, and open discussions. But the question still stands, if we cannot find the fire how can we put it out? Is there anyone equipped to handle the gravity of the situation?

Turns out there are, the people who suffer right now will be the ones who in turn save us all. Newton’s Third Law states for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. This principle states that for every curse there must be a blessing but for anything to be a blessing we must learn to see it that way. 

Look I have had depressive episodes for years, suffered through suicidal ideation, became manic, and nearly ruined my life. I have prayed to the bevy of gods I have encountered. I have cursed my parents and I almost swore off the thought of having children because of this accursed disease. I have seen friends and family members taken hostage, some even killed by the many henchmen of this disease. All I wanted was for it to go away. I wouldn’t wish away rain without thinking about the crops so I shouldn’t wish away mental differences without thinking about how they might affect the beautiful souls that have them. We would have to find a better way.

I have spent the last five years of my life trying to understand this disease. Through research, self-experimentation, and speaking to others I have learned so much. I have always been drawn to those who suffer. They see life differently and therefore they seek life differently. These are my people. Empathetic and fallible, with a tinge of crazy and a lot of love. I realized throughout this journey that I wouldn’t trade my disease for anything. 

I do not just have to suffer from depression and anxiety but I can learn from it. Utilizing this gift that I and so many others share of being able to tap into the greater psyche of the human race to understand what is causing harm. We are the canaries of the soulmine and we have not only an opportunity but an obligation to fight back against this disease.

The disease may show itself in addiction, depression, or suicide but these are symptoms of those more susceptible to the disease and not the root cause. If a canary were to stop singing you wouldn’t just attempt CPR in the mine,  you would change environments and stop the gas leak before proceeding. I have seen too many canaries that were never revived because they did not understand what was killing them.

Our job is simple, find the gas leaks and do our best to plug them,  where we cannot plug we can create ventilation, and where we can’t ventilate we will create evacuation plans.

"We are the people we have been waiting for."

-Hopi Medicine Man 

Follow Your Totoro,


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