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  • Writer's pictureNick Best

Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride

I woke up again in Bangkok and realized it wasn't a dream. Last year was the first winter in 5 years that didn't keep me under the ruthless thumb of my tyrannical depression. I had spent the winter training for a marathon and working for free for a social media start-up on top of my daily responsibilities in life. I realized if I pushed myself to move forward I wouldn't have the time to fall back.

The realization that I could control my mental health completely changed my perception of what I was capable of in this life. So I decided last March to test these capabilities. I figured it was about time I dived into the deep end of life.

I noticed if I wanted to have a [blank] life I would have to do [blank] things in my life. Run through the list of these, unique, different, cool, worthwhile, meaningful. Bottom line is I realized if life was not going to chase me... I would have to chase life.

In March after a week of sunrise walks in Cancun with my Mom I decided there was no better time than the present. I bought a one-way ticket to Bangkok and I got to work. I quit the start-up and picked up a job bussing tables. The money was shit at first but over time I moved up to bartender where my ability to save tripled. Fast forward to now. My trip has started and I have been amazed at every corner. I want to use this blog to share travel stories, give unwarranted life advice, and make people laugh but most importantly I want to get back to why I originally started to blog. Along with the more relaxed and fun stories will be discussions on the human condition and the role mental health and mental illnesses play in it.

Join me as I embark on a journey both inwards and outwards to find the words to write my story.

Follow Your Totoro,


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